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Company Headquarters:  Greece

Products Made In:  Greece

Company Main Product: Fashion

Company Website: www.klosti.com

Last Reviewed: 26-06-2023


From their website:

What is KLOSTI? KLOSTI derives from the Greek word for thread “Κλωστή” (pronounced: klo – stί). We are like a thread that connects you with independent craftsmen. We chose this name because we believe this word best describes what we do: the products you see are here because of the long hours of research, field visits and collaboration with craftsmen followed by marketing and advertising efforts to reach you. Just like a thread sews different pieces of cloth together, KLOSTI unites in an invisible way the craftsmen, us and you. Moreover KLOSTI is a suitable name for this project because of the properties it shares with our products. Think for a moment how versatile, delicate and durable thread is: so many of our products carry on the traditions (cultural motifs, techniques and otherwise) that have withstood the test of time while being uniquely expressed and interpreted by each one of our artists.

