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Cztery Szpaki

Company Headquarters:  Poland

Products Made In:  Poland

Company Main Product: Beauty & Cosmetics

Company Website: 4szpaki.pl

Last Reviewed: 08-05-2023


From their website:

As Cztery Szpaki, we have been operating from the beginning by following a few simple rules – our cosmetics have well-thought-out, but uncomplicated, effective compositions. They are also as universal as possible, mostly vegan and always friendly to people, animals and the environment – for everyone. They are based on natural raw materials, which – if possible – we obtain locally and try to support Polish entrepreneurs. When producing cosmetics, we mainly use traditional recipes and craft production methods , supported from time to time by modern technologies that help us develop. Each of our products is enriched with an original twist– once it will be an addition of an inconspicuous but very valuable ingredient, sometimes the use of a long-forgotten local plant with powerful properties, and another time the use of a newly discovered extract. We like to play with it and we rather pave our own paths than follow trends.

